What Is the CRA?

The mission of the City of Clearwater’s Community Redevelopment Agency is to promote Downtown Clearwater’s ongoing neighborhood revitalization through programs and initiatives that strengthen and stimulate our local economy and environment.


The Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) refers to a public entity created by a city or county to implement the community redevelopment activities outlined under the Florida Community Redevelopment Act of 1969 codified as Chapter 163, Part III, Florida Statutes and provides a vehicle whereby local communities may form a CRA, and further create a redevelopment trust fund for financing improvements within a predetermined redevelopment target area. The CRA was established by the local government, and functions within that local government. In Clearwater, the City Council members serve as the CRA board members.

The Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) is a dependent taxing district established by City government for the purpose of carrying out redevelopment activities that include reducing or eliminating blight, improving the tax base, creating and retaining employment opportunities, and encouraging public and private investments in the CRA.  This departmental budget is for the City staff that administers the operations of the CRA.


The Downtown Clearwater Community Redevelopment Area’s current size is 488 acres. The boundaries include Court-Chestnut Streets to the South, Drew-Jones Streets to the North, Clearwater Harbor to the West and Highland Avenue to the East.



Improving the central city economy by leveraging public-private partnerships and creating residential and commercial stability.


Revitalization, rehabilitation and stabilization of commercial buildings, lots and residential neighborhoods to accommodate new commercial, office and residential projects and expand existing businesses.

Quality of Life

Serve the daily needs of area residents; provide appropriate parking, accommodate modern retail and personal services, alleviate deteriorating and non-complying signs, infrastructure and buildings, develop a financial assistance program, demolish unsafe structures, increase residential units, ensure safety and provide recreational opportunity.

For more information about the City of Clearwater Community Redevelopment Agency

For more information about Community Redevelopment Agencies in Florida

For more information about the City of Clearwater Downtown Development Board

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