Peace Concert Series

Peace Memorial Church 110 S Ft. Harrison Av, Clearwater, FL, United States

WHAT: HOLIDAY BELLS - To awaken your holiday mood, our December program features the beautiful bells of the Suncoast Bronze Ringers. With 14 ringers, this wonderful bell choir will warm your hearts as they ring the most beloved and popular carols and songs of the season. The rich acoustics of the Peace sanctuary are perfectly […]


Gingerbread House Decorating Party on ZOOM


Adults and children, here is your chance to build a personalized gingerbread house for the holidays! Pick up your kit from December 1st to December 11th at Clearwater Beach Library and join us via Zoom to decorate the gingerbread houses together on December 16th at 4pm. If the kit is not picked-up during the specified time period, it […]