Stantec Works on the Imagine Clearwater Master Plan Concept and Pre-Design
Work is being done behind the scenes to move forward with the future enhancements to Coachman Park, and we want to keep you abreast about what is happening.
At this point in the project, the city’s consultant, Stantec, and its sub-consultants are working on the Imagine Clearwater Master Plan Concept Validation and Pre-Design. The city is currently conducting additional site surveys of the area, and it is researching and providing information on past public and private utility projects in the area.
Stantec’s team is compiling all of this data for use in its plans for the project. In addition, Stantec and its sub-consultants have recently completed several noise studies of the existing band shell. The consultants are carefully evaluating that data as well as the existing site conditions in and around Coachman Park.
Stantec and a small group of city staff recently met to discuss some of the park concepts and the results of the noise studies. There will be additional meetings and further discussions to refine some of the design elements.
The state legislature recently passed and Gov. Rick Scott signed a bill that amends the Special Act of 1925, allowing for the city to move the bandshell along the waterfront as proposed by the consultants. The Special Act of 1925 prohibited “carnivals or shows of any character” on a 500-foot stretch of land running north of the Memorial Causeway Bridge.
In November, voters overwhelmingly approved an amendment to the City Charter, which allows for the Imagine Clearwater plan to move forward at Coachman Park and for enhancements along the downtown waterfront. For additional information, visit or contact Amanda Thompson, the city’s Community Redevelopment Agency director, at