Small Biz Marketing Rebound: Using Your Brains Before Spending Your Bucks!

The Ring 600 Cleveland St, Clearwater, FL, United States

"Marketing is not a function, it is the whole business seen from the customer’s point of view." Peter Drucker Owning a small business is not for the faint of heart – 50% fail within the first 5 years, 66% fail within 10 years . . . and the primary cause of death . . . […]


Filing The GAP in Your Success: The Goal Achievement Project

The Ring 600 Cleveland St, Clearwater, FL, United States

Remember the energy and focus (and adrenaline) you have when working your last day before vacation? The packing to make the plane?? . . . Having unexpected company at your house . . . Or even filing your taxes? What if you applied that same energy to achieving your goals? What if you compressed your […]
