Market Research & Data
The District in Numbers
Downtown Clearwater offers a number of great advantages for new and existing developers. It boasts a strong, growing residential market—with more than 800 new residential units. Already, there are approximately 820,000 residential customers within a 30-minute drive.
According to market studies, these customers spend about 30% of their retail dollars on food and beverages (including $215 million for those living within a 10-minute drive). Approximately 50% of their retail dollars are spent on apparel, apparel services, household furnishings, and electronics, and about 20% of their retail dollars are spent on personal care and related services.
Add to these impressive numbers the hundreds of thousands of tourists each year, and you can easily see that the District is alive with opportunity.
Demographics – 115 S MLK Site – Clearwater
Demographics – Clearwater Beach
Demographics – Harbor Oaks 33756